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Ways to Reduce Energy Use and Save Money

submitted on 16 December 2022 by
Ways to Reduce Energy Use and Save Money Many UK homes will see a significant increase in their energy bills this year, as you may have heard. The so-called "Default Tariff Cap" will increase by 54 percent as of April 1, 2022. This implies that the cost of electricity will rise significantly, and homeowners should expect to face higher bills as a result.

A 54% increase in the limit implies that the typical UK family's energy expenses will soon be approximately £2,000, up from the current annual cost of roughly £1,277. Despite the fact that the price cap regulates the rate at which you pay per unit of energy, it does not limit the overall amount of your energy bills. The sum of your monthly energy costs will change according to your use patterns.

So, you may be wondering, "How can I make this enormous energy expense spike as palatable as possible?". The solution is to reduce one's energy use, which is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are several little adjustments we can make to our daily routines to save energy. Here are some suggestions for minimising your energy use.

1. Disconnect all equipment in standby mode
Leaving an appliance on standby instead of turning it off at the wall outlet causes it to continually use power. The overnight charge of a mobile phone or the inadvertent leave of a television on the standby setting are just two examples of the many mundane ways in which electricity may be wasted.

Standby power consumption accounts for 9-16% of residential energy usage, according the Energy Saving Trust. What you get out of that massive expenditure of energy is essentially nothing. Stop using appliances that you aren't using and turn them off at the wall; it adds up.

2. Lower the temperature on your thermostat
We can all agree that making even a little adjustment to our heating habits will have a big impact on our monthly utility bills. According to uSwitch's energy experts, even a one-degree drop in temperature may save annual energy costs by £80.

If you have an electric heater but no thermostat, you may still save money by using a timer to control its on and off periods. Energy consumption may be reduced and home heating efficiency improved with the aid of radiator valves.

Reduce the temperature you wash your items at.

The Energy Saving Trust reports that washing clothing at 30 degrees consumes around 40% less power annually than washing at higher temperatures. Unless you need to remove very stubborn stains, you won't notice a difference when using a lower washing temperature and modern washing powders and detergents. Make 30 degrees your default and you'll likely save energy over time, even if you still perform the odd hot water wash when necessary.

Remember that waiting until you have a full load of laundry before starting a wash can reduce your weekly energy use.

4. Improve your water-management skills
The production of hot water is second only to the heating of the home as a consumer of electricity. You may save around $25 annually by doing the dishes in a basin of warm water instead of under running water. It may not seem like much of a savings over the course of a year, but every little bit helps.

It has been estimated that switching to a shower head with better water flow control will save annual energy costs by up to £18 per person, regardless of whether or not your home has a water metre. However, there is an initial investment required for such measures; if you'd rather not pay for it, you may always attempt one of the aforementioned alternatives.

5. Buying a new set of home appliances
Consider the energy consumption while purchasing new appliances (such as a refrigerator or washing machine). Checking the product's energy label can help you achieve this. A-grade appliances are the most energy efficient, while G-grade ones are the least. Over its 11-year lifetime, an A+++ washing machine uses around £65 less energy than an A+ one.

Moreover, it's not only major home electronics that may benefit from energy efficiency upgrades. Small changes, such as replacing incandescent lightbulbs with energy-efficient LEDs (where possible), may add up to significant savings over time.

6. Monitor your energy usage
Monitoring your energy usage may help you determine whether and when you need to make adjustments to the way you use energy. One easy approach to save money on heating is to adjust the radiator valves in areas like the hallway that are used less often.

If you have a smart metre, checking it periodically might make keeping track of your energy use much less of a hassle. If you think a smart metre might be useful in keeping track of your energy use, you should think about acquiring one if you don't already have one.

Something to remember...
Even though these suggestions won't completely alleviate the pain of April's 54% energy price increase, they should help ease the blow a little. Plus, as Spring progresses, keep in mind that warmer weather and longer days mean less energy is used overall, so that should help ease the burden a little.
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